Sunday, 9 March 2014

Week 3

Wow! It is week three already and what an exciting half term it has been so far! This week proves to be just as exciting with lots of learning and fun to be had.

In numeracy this week, we are continuing to think about all things money! So far the children have counted coins, made amounts and even begun to work out a shopping bill. This week we will begin to think about change. They will be calculating how much money they have left and how much change they get when they buy different items.

In literacy this week, we are continuing to write recounts based on 'Where the Wild Things Are'! This is a fantastic book, full of action, fun and emotion. The children really enjoyed the clip we watched last week and produced some beautiful writing.

Here is an example from Thea's (Class 3) recount:
One snowy day, Max was quickly chasing his black and fluffy dog because he was bored. Mas chased the dog all around the sitting room, in the kitchen and even down the stairs. The dog was not happy at all!

Immediately, Max ran across the street because there was a big pile of snow across the street so he could build a snow fort. First he piled the snow on top of the other snow. The he dug a big hole. He decided to tell Clare. BANG!BANG! went the door as Max banged on it to get Clare's attention. "Go away and play with your friends" shouted Clare.

Hope you have all had a fantastic weekend and we look forward to seeing you in school tomorrow morning :)

The Key Stage 1 Team!!