Sunday, 29 September 2013

Week 5 in Key Stage 1...

HI.. Hope you are all having a fabulous weekend... Well another week done and ready to start a further week of learning.... I just don't know where all the time is going!
Here is what is happening this week....

Literacy - We are continuing to write non-chronological reports on Space - this week we are delving a little deeper into the Space Race.
We are expecting children to write facts about the Space Race in order to make their non-chronological reports exciting and interesting for the reader.

Numeracy -We are still thinking about Place Value but we are going to explore place value with money!
We want children to be able to
- find different amounts with coins
- Understand that 30p and 4p = 34p
- Understand when they see 4 x 10p's and 7 x 1p's  it totals 47p
- Investigate how they can make different amounts in different ways
- Use greater and less than signs to show which amount is more/less
- Order different amounts of money through partitioning from the least to the most

Topic - We are exploring the Space Race. We have lots of exciting activities planned.

- Children to complete Space Pictures
- Children to make their own facts booklets about the Space Race
- Make a time line of the Space Race

Remember E-Safety

We are continuing to talk to the children about been safe on the internet.

So far we have talked about what inforation is safe to give and that that is not.
Children have particiapted in exercises that demonstrate that certain information is specific to them and must not be shared.

They have also completed posters about the rules of keeping safe.

Class 2 Have Boubon the attendance bear this week... We are after some ideas of something different that we can do with Bourbon any ideas let us know through the comments section.

On Tuesday saw lots of parents descend into our KS1 classes. We had lots of fun and I hope you did too.
The purpose of the afternoon was to enlighten you to our teaching approaches, specific focuses we are establishing this year.
E.g mental maths and reading
We endeavoured to show you quite a bit in a short space of time.

Here is some headlines from my talk afterwards.

Spellings will be sent out and we expect children to learn them. We will be looking for them in their writing. In my experience testing children does not mean they apply in their writing. Team points will be given if we spot them!
Only one set of spellings will be sent home across Key Stage 1. You would be surprised by how many children do not know these spellings across the whole of KS1.

Reading please read wth your child as frequently as it is possible. Getting into a bedtime routine often helps. This is something I did with my children and they couldn't wait to open their new book! As they are now teeenagers... I do miss those times!

Mental maths homework will be sent home and it will be linked to what we are doing within class.
If you are unsure please come in and see the staff.

Phonics folders will come home but we expect the children to take some responsibility to remember to take their folder out of their tray! A gentle reminder would be helpful if they don't come home with it! Pleaase use the phonics folder for the children to show you what new sounds or revisited sounds they are currently learing in class.


There will be two trips across the course of this year. 1 to Skipton Castle and 1 to The Deep. We will be operating a payment from Autumn 2 in order to spread the cost of the trips across the year.mPlease look out for deatils around this.

I also talked about our successful year in 2012/2013.

Phonics had an improvement of 23% pass rate to 93% on the previous year.
KS1 data had a significant improvement in all three areas of reading, writing and numeracy.
We expect this to be significantly improved again this year.

We are having a phonics meeting on Tuesday after school in Class 2... everyone is welcome!

And the last thing...

We are not perfect... but

you have educating your children a dedicated, hard working and caring team of teachers and support staff.

Please remember we are always looking to imporve what we do... so if you do have anything please feel free to pop in and see me!

Many thanks

Sam Golia and the KS1 teaching team

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