Sunday, 17 November 2013

Autumn term 2 week 3

Firstly, let's have a look at what's been going on in Key Stage 1 this week...

In Literacy the children thoroughly enjoyed the story of 'Peace at Last.' It was fantastic to see the children retelling the story to their partner, ensuring that they included all the sounds that Mr Bear had to try and sleep through.

On Wednesday, Mr Bear ( actually the class teachers) visited the children in class and they had the opportunity to interview him. They questioned how he was feeling in the different parts of the story and all the children were eager to ask Mr Bear their question (although the children did say afterwards - "we knew it was really you and not Mr Bear!")
One of the children asked,
 "Is that why you've got big black bags under your eyes because you couldn't sleep?" (It should be noted that this was a natural effect and not theatre makeup!!!)

In Numeracy the children are really starting to get to grips with mental addition strategies - putting the biggest number in their head and counting on or adding the units then the tens and counting on to find the total.
This was the focus of this week's maths homework and we ask that you keep practising these strategies with your child at home as this is a big help in developing their understanding of other concepts in maths.
By the way, many thanks to all those parents who attended Miss Golias' Number workshop which was on Tuesday after school. We hope that you found it beneficial seeing how number is taught in school.

Well we couldn't have planned our half term topic of All About Bears better as this coincided with our Children in Need activities on Friday. The children looked super spotty and they thoroughly enjoyed placing their pennies on Pudsey's face on the playground; eating their scrummy buns at playtime and then nicely jigging up their lunch taking turns dancing on the Wii!!!
Thank you so much for all your contributions.

Now what's happening next week?

In literacy this week, we will be reading the book Can't You Sleep Little Bear? by Martin Waddell .

Our focus in literacy is to continue looking at characterisation and we will be thinking about using AMAZING ADJECTIVES to describe Little Bear and Big Bear's physical appearance and their thoughts and feelings.

In numeracy this week, we will be continuing to practice our calculating skills! We will develop our addition skills by beginning to add three numbers together. Also we will continue to apply this knowledge of addition to solving word problems.
Can you use your mental addition skills to quickly add these three numbers?

14 + 9 + 6 =

23 + 8 + 17 =

(Remember use your knowledge of addition facts for making 10 to help you.)

Have a fantastic week :)
The Key Stage 1 Team

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